If you plan to participate in any future courses which don't have announced dates email me and you'll automatically become a super early bird and get a special discount.
when; what; lng; where; spots
12-14.05;No Bullshit Guide 2 Product Strategy link=https://agileism.com/nobullshitguide2productstrategy;ENG or RU;online;Half Full: Register! link=https://agileism.com/trainings#register
02-04.06;Deep Management 3.0 link=https://agileism.com/amanagement30;RU;Tbilisi;Half Full - Register! link=https://agileism.com/trainings#register
24-26.06;Deep Management 3.0 link=https://agileism.com/amanagement30;ENG;Berlin;Filling Up - Register! link=https://agileism.com/trainings#register
15-17.07;Deep Management 3.0 link=https://agileism.com/amanagement30;ENG;Portugal;Filling Up - Register! link=https://agileism.com/trainings#register
25-27.08;Deep Management 3.0 link=https://agileism.com/amanagement30;RU;Almaty;Half Full - Register! link=https://agileism.com/trainings#register
22-24.09;Deep Management 3.0 link=https://agileism.com/amanagement30;RU;online;Filling Up - Register! link=https://agileism.com/trainings#register
06-08.10;No Bullshit Guide 2 Product Strategy link=https://agileism.com/nobullshitguide2productstrategy;ENG or RU;online;Register link=https://agileism.com/trainings#register
27-29.10;True Scrum link=https://agileism.com/truescrum;ENG or RU;online;Half Full - Register! link=https://agileism.com/trainings#register
10-12.11;Deep Management 3.0 link=https://agileism.com/amanagement30;ENG;Berlin;Register link=https://agileism.com/trainings#register
08-10.12;Deep Management 3.0 link=https://agileism.com/amanagement30;RU;online;Register link=https://agileism.com/trainings#register
(All discounts and bonuses, except for non-profit organizations, are cumulative)
Prices for Individuals
If you pay from your pocket - you pay 30% of what you make (net)
25% if you pay at least 5 weeks before the start
20% if you pay at least 9 weeks before the start
Agile Options
If you lost your job - you can participate for free now & pay when you find a job
If you bring your boss - you get a free ticket
If your company is willing to cover only a portion of the cost - we offer a flexible solution
Payment by installments is possible
Prices for Organizations
EU Price
early bird: €1850
regular: €2100
Non-EU Price
early bird: $1070
regular: $1250
early bird price is applicable when you book 5 weeks or more before the training starts